2017 in Review

Hello all!

I can’t believe it’s already the end of the year. It has been a rather eventful year, for me personally and for this site. I thought I’d review some of the things that happened this year and briefly mention my hopes for next year.

Asexual Artists conducts close to 700 interviews: The number of interviews keeps growing. I started this site because I truly believe that the voices of artists are so important. I wanted to give ace artists the chance to shine, to be proud of who they are and their work. I didn’t just want to feature a couple popular artists. I wanted to hear from all ace artists. I know what it’s like to be rejected, judged for factors outside of your control (whether it’s age, disability, socioeconomic status, etc.), that your work is unimportant. I wanted to make a small place where no artist ever had to feel that. A place where asexual artists could be proud of both who they are and their work. I think Asexual Artists is that and I have all of you to thank for that. This site is what it is because of all of you: both interviewees and followers. So thank you.

I managed to release 5 novels: I genuinely can’t believe this. I signed with Snowy Wings Publishing and was given the opportunity to reboot my series. I was able to work with Najla Qamber (of Najla Qamber Designs) who designed the most gorgeous covers that I’ve ever seen (at the risk of sounding horribly cliche, she made me feel like a princess). Getting the books professionally edited and beta read (by a friend and fellow ace artist, Taia Hartman who blogs some fantastic book reviews on her blog Mouse Reads Books) allowed me to reclaim my series and make it the story I always dreamed it would be, before working with an acephobic mentor. It’s truly a dream come true.

If you’re interested in purchasing a paperback, they’re available through Snowy Wings online store (which accepts PayPal) and also my Square store.

I commissioned an ace filmmaker for a book trailer: I try to commission fellow ace artists whenever I have the funds. When I decided to make a book trailer, I immediately commissioned Britty Lea (personal site & Facebook). She delivered the most phenomenal book trailer that I could not be happier with.

Asexual Artists goes to NWSA 2017: This was an accomplishment for a couple different reasons. First, because of your generosity, I was able to afford to accept Alyssa Casey’s invitation. On a more personal level, I briefly alluded to an incident that happened to me at my local community college (where I was basically bullied out of a class due to my having a learning disability). After being called every ableist slur that you can imagine, I developed pretty intense anxiety and the trauma of that experience … it left me in a very bad place, mentally and emotionally. It was very hard for me to leave the house and I wasn’t sure I would be able to do this (aside from ADD, I also have severe dyscalculia, which makes it almost impossible for me to navigate). I didn’t want to let all of you down though, so I became determined to attend NWSA (I set small goals for myself: make it to the hotel. Then, check into the conference, etc.).

So Asexual Artists made it to NWSA 2017 and the panel:

Photo by Anna Lise Jensen

(I’m in the green shirt. Yes, that’s the Wonder Woman symbol) Photo by Anna Lise Jensen

What’s in Store for 2018?

For this site, I’m hoping for more speaking opportunities (fingers crossed). I really want to interview 1,000 artists. I think that would positively fantastic.

Personally? I’ve been experiencing some health issues recently, so I may be in and out for the first half of the year. I apologize for any unexplained absences that may result.

I plan to get some more writing done. I’ve got to start working on book 6 soon, but I’m currently distracted by this prequel story I’ve been planning for ages. I’m thinking it’s going to be a novella and hopefully I’ll have it done by the end of the year. I’m commissioning Britty for even more book trailers, so keep an eye out for that.

That’s about all. I really want to thank everybody on this blog from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the encouraging words and messages. Thank you for your art. Thank you for your voice. Thank you for being you.

I wish you all the very best for 2018. May your muses continue singing throughout the new year 🙂 ❤

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